I was encouraged to share what I've been doing this week by my dear friend Elicia Cardenas (http://www.desklessclassroom.com/), so here goes!
Our seniors last day was THREE school days ago and I still had FOURTEEN days with the rest of my students, who, like me, really want summer to start. I thought about doing a new story with new structures, but I feel like some students could really use some extra repetition without trying to cram more structures into their spring-fevered brains.
I decided to go back to the first story we did this year and do a post-reading review "game" with each story: one story per day. So, the first day, we did the Lucky Reading Game. This game is a great low-stress way to play a game where everyone can get the right answer and still there is a winner. It worked very well, reminding me of what structures I let fall away throughout the year.
Next day, the second story of the school year with Snowball/Paper Airplace reading. I projected the story and then had them translate one sentence of the story into English on their paper. Then, they threw them at me (this part made it feel like a game even though it really isn't), picked up a different paper, and wrote the sentence following the sentence written on the paper. Repeat until it gets boring and then offer three bonus points (worth absolutely nothing) if they can make a basket into the recycle bin.
Today, we did Write, Draw, Pass with them writing a sentence from the third story in French, then drawing the next sentence, then writing the third sentence, and so on. Tomorrow I will hand them out and they can "read" the story as we pass them around the room to laugh at the drawings.
I'm not sure what tomorrow's post-reading activity will be yet. Any ideas for me?