Monday, September 28, 2009

Classroom Management

I've been watching Ben Slavic's DVDs showing him in his classroom and I'm envying his classroom management. I have a hard time keeping kids engaged in the class and quiet at the same time. I want them to participate, so I encourage them to yell out their answers...but then I have kids that aren't yelling out answers....aren't paying attention...but are talking to their friends instead. I have such a hard time trying to control the chaos. The students who are talking to their friends are also the ones who get discouraged when they are paying attention and are vocal about "not getting it". It drives me crazy because, in my mind, if you are opening your mouth to say "I don't get it," your ears are filled with the sound of your own voice and there's no room for the French that I'm speaking to get in there. Am I wrong on this?? I guess I need to just be honest with the class and explain to them why it disturbs me so much. Maybe appealing to their logical, mature side will help. We'll see...


  1. What a great blog! It's wonderful to follow your thoughts. So many people are hesitant to try and your blog will help them to feel that they are not alone in trying something new. Thank you.

    I think talking to the students about how important attention is. Think of yourself as as plugged into the students can't go on until you have it...and then teach that way. If they are not looking at you, listening, responding..then just wait..looking right at them...and wait. As soon as you get their attention, start again. (It's actually kind of funny!!) It's hard to do because you (and the other kids) reaaaallly want to go on. But it does work.

    I am so glad you are enjoying teaching this way!! There is so much joy in it!!!

    with love,

  2. I just won't teach if they aren't with me. And they know how to be with me bc I tell them - I laser point to each rule whenever I need to (see classroom rules on the poster page - resources - of my site). I always remember that discipline precedes instruction.

