Monday, August 19, 2013

What I did with my new (to me) 4/5s

I had a question about what I did with my upper levels this week, since I have NO CLUE what they learned/remember from past levels of French.  Here was my response:

First off, I had them do a 5-minute free-write the first day.  They didn't do so well on that.  So, for better or worse, I am adapting the circling with balls activity for my 4/5s.  They haven't ever had me before, so we are starting with that.  The first two days, we talked about one student who played baseball at Kauffman Stadium at midnight because he was playing against the Australians.  Luckily, Scarlett Johansen (his choice) was in the stands and fell madly in love with him because he was the best baseball player in the world.  After the game (which he won, of course), Scarlett waited for him outside the stadium while he showered....and on and on.  They were loving it and it was super awesome for me to hear them spontaneously give dialogue for the characters.  Imagine how fun it was when the SRO entered the classroom to see three students standing together, with one male student wearing a blue wig and "flirting" with the baseball player.  It was awesome!


  1. Thank you for your blog! I'm a new-to-TPRS teacher this year. I read your blog this summer and went to a workshop led by Donna Tatum-Johns. Now I'm slowly incorporating TPRS into all four levels of my French classes. I love that I read your blog before making the change to TPRS. It shows the struggles and successes that we will experience. Keep it up! It means a lot to me and many others. :)

  2. Thank you so much! I have so much to update, but not much time (with my new job). I'll try to blog this week!
