Monday, August 4, 2014

I CAN do it with Mira Canion and Michele Whaley

The ladies started off sharing the reasons why I Can statements are so important.  They showed that it gives the students confidence that they are actually learning instead of just "playing".  MIND BLOW: ACTFL has all the CAN DO statements on

So we took an example of an I CAN statement and talked through it.  Our example was: I can order a ticket.

We came up with some target phrases that someone would need to know to order a ticket.  Things like: How much does it cost?, I would like..., ticket, to Paris, train station...

Then, we wrote a quick story to teach them how to say "Give me a ticket, please."  And the dialogue is repeated with different emotions, confusion, etc...anything to get repetition.

Just knowing that the I Can statements exist helped me out tremendously.  Can't wait to put them on the board!

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