Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Day 1-Cultural storytelling with Barb Cartford

I brought away a few things from my session with Barb. First, she loves children and she loves her languages. She also really loves all the things that make people people (art, family, values, etc). She told us that she was using the popularity of The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo in her adult Swedish classes and that she would be wearing a costume to become here on Tuesday. Amazing.

Okay, here's what I took away from this session, my goals for infusing culture into my class:
  • use history and biographies as stories and reading
  • use French art to teach colors, body parts, family, etc
  • use children's tales and compare them to well-known American stories (ex. Asterix v. Mickey Mouse)
  • Use costumes!!

Barb told us about her Frida unit. This is how she works the biography of Frida into her lesson plans:

  1. Establish meaning of new vocabulary the first day
  2. 2-4th day: tell about the life of Frida using actors, visuals, and props. There should be at least 3 phases in her life (childhood, young adulthood, old age)
  3. Show the works on the 5th day, using a jigsaw activity. Each student gets a questionaire about art (What jumps out to you? What is the feeling of the painting? How do you think the artist felt when he/she was painting this? etc) with a color and a number on it. The colors group the students to a particular painting. The students get together and discuss the painting to become "experts" at that particular painting. Then, they are grouped by number so that each group has one "expert" for each painting. The number groups travel around the room and the expert tells what his/her group found out about the painting...more discussion.

I LOVE this idea and can't wait to steal it. I would also like to add a day where the students mimic the style of the artist.


  1. Thanks so much for writing your notes and observations. As someone who could not make it to NTPRS, I'm so appreciative!

  2. WOW! I just found this website. It was fun to read! Please let me know how it goes when you do a biography with your students!!!
    Thanks for writing about my Culture Based TPRS session! I plan to be Lisbeth Salander, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo on my Saturday morning Swedish classes on July 31, 2010.
    Barb Cartford

  3. Here's Barb Cartford's "Culture Based TPRS®" website:
