Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Snow day!

Yesterday, it was snowing. For my students, that means lots of craziness as they think about having a snow day. I was considering showing a video or some other cop-out because I didn't want to deal with their insanity. Instead, I stayed with my original plan of doing re-tells and a quiz. Because of the nature of TPRS, I can use their excitement in my classroom. Instead of driving me crazy, it drives the craziness of the story. Hooray!

And, we did get our snow day today...yet another reason to love teaching as I sit with my coffee and laptop and look forward to making Christmas cookies with my own 4 crazy kids...


  1. Mme Hayles, it sounds like I am teaching in a parallel universe. I have a THAT student, and some days are good, and some days I have to remember that it's not directed towards me. Kids have been Crazy lately--weather, close to break, etc., but I remember that those "fun" days before break are some of the best, so I am bringing lots of culture and goodies to class. We talked about Festival of Lights and traditions this week, and I had a great time. After the snow day I feel rejuvenated to finish out these last few days before the break. PLEASE keep blogging, because it is reassuring to see someone else struggling with the exact same things, and to hear the positives too. It helps to give me faith that I can continue on the hard days. I am going to try the book talks, and my kids LOVED the Lady Gaga story you shared a couple weeks ago. :)

  2. Thank you Michelle! I love not feeling all alone out here in TPRS world. I'll keep blogging when I feel like I have something to say!
